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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 361-736

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From Individual to Collective Behavior in Bacterial Chemotaxis

Radek Erban and Hans G. Othmer

pp. 361-391

Synchrony in a Population of Hysteresis-Based Genetic Oscillators

Alexey Kuznetsov, Mads Kærn, and Nancy Kopell

pp. 392-425

The Riemann Problem for Reversible Reactive Flows with Metastability

Andrea Corli and Haitao Fan

pp. 426-457

Spatial Decay Bounds in Time Dependent Pipe Flow of an Incompressible Viscous Fluid

Changhao Lin and Lawrence E. Payne

pp. 458-474

Homogenization Theory and the Assessment of Extreme Field Values in Composites with Random Microstructure

Robert Lipton

pp. 475-493

Parametric Resonance in Immersed Elastic Boundaries

Ricardo Cortez, Charles S. Peskin, John M. Stockie, and Douglas Varela

pp. 494-520

Dynamics in a Rod Model of Solid Flame Waves

J. H. Park, A. Bayliss, and B. J. Matkowsky

pp. 521-549

A Delay Reaction-Diffusion Model of the Spread of Bacteriophage Infection

Stephen A. Gourley and Yang Kuang

pp. 550-566

Two-Time-Scale Markov Chains and Applications to Quasi-Birth-Death Queues

G. Yin and Hanqin Zhang

pp. 567-586

Acoustic-Rotational Internal Flow Caused by Transient Sidewall Mass Addition

P. L. Staab., M. J. Rempe., and D. R. Kassoy

pp. 587-617

On the Turing Patterns in One-Dimensional Gradient/Skew-Gradient Dissipative Systems

Masataka Kuwamura

pp. 618-643

Stability and Bifurcations in Neural Fields with Finite Propagation Speed and General Connectivity

Fatihcan M. Atay and Axel Hutt

pp. 644-666

Resolvent Estimates for Plane Couette Flow

Pablo Braz e Silva

pp. 667-683

Booming and Crashing Populations and Easter Island

Bill Basener and David S. Ross

pp. 684-701

Projective Geometry of Human Motion, with an Application to Injury Risk

H. Laurie and R. Penne

pp. 702-719

On the Geometric Flow of Kirchhoff Elastic Rods

Chun-Chi Lin and Hartmut R. Schwetlick

pp. 720-736